Advising, Careers, & Well-Being

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an Academic Advisor?

An Academic Advisor is a college counselor who helps guide you through the college process. From choosing majors to selecting classes to transferring to a university, your Academic Advisor is there to help inform and assist you as you achieve your academic goals.

Who is my advisor?

Check your DegreeWorks or WebRunner account (under the student tab). You may also call the Advising Center at (541) 917-4780 if you’re unsure who your assigned advisor is.

How often should I meet with my advisor?

We recommend that you meet with your Academic Advisor at least once per term. Frequent meetings with your advisor can prevent wasted time, money, and energy being spent on classes you do not need to take.

How do I schedule an appointment?

If you know who your advisor is, you can go directly to their Faculty Webpage to schedule an appointment. You may also call the Advising Center at (541) 917-4780 or email/chat

Who can help me decide what my major should be?

Set up an appointment with a Career and Advising Specialist by calling the Advising Center at (541) 917-4780. They can help you align your values, skills, and goals to career and major options.

Someone mentioned Crisis Counseling? What is that and how do I access it?

A number of our advisors are trained counselors. They are available on a drop-in basis and by appointment. If you are in need of Crisis Counseling, please call or stop by the Advising Center. *If you are experiencing an emergency* there are a number of resources available to you See the Personal Health and Well-Being Services page.

I'm a new student, how do I get started at LB?

You’ll want to check in with Admissions. They can help you get started and let you know what programs 博天堂官方 has available.